CORS question in HTML Component

Hi. Here’s my scenario :
I have a page on the WIX site that has an HTML iFrame component. In this component, I have javascript code that fetches data from a third-party provider. The third-party provider whitelists the IP address for our Wix website (which we obtained from Wix) to allow the data fetch request through the 3rd party provider’s API. The fetched data is then transformed in some way and displayed in the html code in the same file.

A problem that I have is possibly a CORS problem where in the F12 console (i.e. Browser’s development tools) of a browser I get error message such as :

Failed to load id=123: Response to preflight request doesn’t pass access control check : No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. Origin ‘ ’ is therefore not allowed access.

Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) blocked corss-original c7558c_b3aa9db669d166.html:3728 repsonse id=123 with MIME type text/xml. See for more details.

My questions are :

  1. The code in the html iframe component never contains “ ” in the code. Where does this come from?
  2. Our third party provider for the data can only whitelist IP addresses, NOT domains. How can I resolve the CORS problem?

Any help is appreciated.

P.S. I have also tried calling the 3rd party provider’s API from WixCode but it doesn’t work either.

Hi Andrew,

Try fetching your third party resource using a backend wix code script, then communicate the returned data back to the front end.

See here

Hi, Ido. After posting this entry, I found the same link you specified, and fetched the 3rd party resource from a web module. However, it still gives me a few different IP addresses of where the request going to 3rd party when looking at the browser console (2 different IPs if the page is called using the “Preview” functionality, then a 3rd IP if I publish the page. I have created a different question in the forum about it, but no response yet.