Please I need help counting the number of a record in a collection and displaying the number of time occurred, in a text fiel, here is my code, but not working
.then( (num) => {
let numberOfItems = num;
$w(‘#txtRegcourse’).text = numberOfItems;
} )
. catch ( (error) => {
let errorMsg = error.message;
let code = error.code;
} );
something like this…
wixData.query(“formDatabase”) //change this to the name of your database
.then((results) => {
let allResults = results.totalCount;
console.log(allResults);//this is the number of results
$w(’ #txtRegcourse ').text = allResults;
Thanks, but its still not working, nothing happens when I trigger the event.
the console.log has to log some value, if nothing is happening then you have not executed the code correctly
I have tested the code and it 100% works
I am using a collection called ‘voters’. I need to count the number or voters and display it on my home page. As voters register the number needs to automatically update.
.then((results) => {
let allResults = results.totalCount;
console.log(allResults);//this is the number of results
//$w(‘#input1’).number = allResults;
//$w(‘#input1’).type = allResults;
$w(“#input1”).text = “” + allResults;
$w(“#input1”).type = allResults.toString();
} );
No matter what I try the text field on the page (input1) will not display allREsults.
- Which field/s should I use for this?
- What code snippet should I use?
- Where must the code go, backend data.js file or in the code for the home page?
Thanx for your promp assistance. This is very urgent.
import wixData from ‘wix-data’;
export function page1_viewportEnter(item, context) {
item.Totalcount = item.totalMandates + 1 ;
return item;
.then((results) => {
let seq = $w(“#dataset2”).getTotalCount();
$w(‘#input1’).type = seq;
let allResults = results.totalCount;
console.log(allResults);//this is the number of results
//$w(‘#input1’).number = allResults;
//$w(‘#input1’).type = allResults;
//$w(“#input1”).type = allResults.toString();
$w(‘#progressBar1’).targetValue = 100;
// Set the progress as 20
$w(‘#progressBar1’).value = allResults;
} );
When I run this code - the console.log shows the number of voters. But I don’t know how to get that onto the home page in a field.
OMG - you are a genius!!
May I keep contact with you please Heath?
I am running a Voting campaign for my government - I don’t want to make a mistake.