Create a Collapsed Box in Repeater

I have a repeater that I have a collapsed box inside. I would like the box to expand upon mousein but only if there is data in the collection for that item. I have the box showing upon mouse in but it does it for every repeated item

Where is your code?

w . onReady ( function () {
$w ( ‘#container5’ ). onMouseIn (() => {
toggleBox ( $w ( ‘#box9’ ));

function toggleBox ( boxElement ){
const isCollapsed = boxElement . collapsed ;
if ( isCollapsed ) {

    boxElement . expand (); 

} **else** { 
    boxElement . collapse (); 

$w . onReady ( function () {
$w ( ‘#container5’ ). onMouseOut (() => {
toggleBox ( $w ( ‘#box9’ ));

    $w('#yourRepeaterIDhere').onItemready(($item, itemData, index)=>{
        $item('#container5').onMouseIn(()=> {

        $item('#container5').onMouseOut(() => {

function toggleBox(boxElement){
    if (boxElement.collapsed) {boxElement.expand();}
    else {boxElement.collapse();}

Ok so now I only want the box to show if there is an item in the testimony column of database1