Create a 'Save for Later' option for my WIX Form

I have a lengthy form on my website, and I’m trying to see a way of including a button or link where my applicants can save their progress to continue later. Thing is, I have absolutely no experience/knowledge in coding and have no one that can do/knows how to do that for me at the moment. Is there a fairly simple way of doing that?

Appreciate any help

Hi, @user5357 !!

I feel like I recently saw a feature like that somewhere, but it might have been on a different platform. I did a quick search on the Wix form, but it seems that this feature might not be available yet. (Apologies if I overlooked something… :innocent:)

That said, a “draft save” feature could probably be implemented using code. The key knowledge required would be either how to store data in the browser using Wix Velo or how to save it to a collection. However, if security is a concern, additional measures might be necessary. :smiling_face_with_sunglasses:

If you don’t have coding experience and this feature isn’t essential for you right now, the best approach might be to submit a feature request to Wix. :raised_hands:

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I know this is not optimal but perhaps streamline the form so it is not so long…and break it up into several forms instead of just one…?