Trying to Create the buy now button on a custom-designed Product page, the goal is to skip the cart page and directly send to Checkout.
The current Buy now button on the product page works perfect, I need to create a button with the same functionality on a custom-designed page
PS: It’s a single product with no varients
#storeapi #wixstore #custombuynowbutton
Wix has a tutorial for this. You can see it here .
Hi Sentvinsent, thanks for the response. But if I’m not mistaken, the solution provided in the tutorial you shared does only initiate a payment process, which means that the order has to be fulfilled manually. I’m looking for a solution that works similarly to the Buy Now button on the product page. If this button is clicked, the payment process is initiated for this specific product and fulfillment can be automatic. Do you happen to know if this is possible?
I’m trying to find a solution to this as well. I’d like to trigger Wix’s ordering syste, not simply initiate a payment. Did you ever find a solution?
Exactly my problem. Haven’t found a solution yet. Please let me know here when you happen to find one