Create Draft Post REST API documentation inconsistency

The “Create Draft Post” REST API Documentation here :
Says that the response is an object of the created draft post but in reality, it is returning an array of objects like the “List draft post” REST API is returning.


This is an example of the response of the “Create Draft Post” REST API that i’m actually getting.

But the documentation says it should be like this

  "draftPost": {
    "id": "448d1238-0072-4458-a280-bf81c2dd8af1",
    "title": "Places to visit in europe",
    "featured": false,
    "categoryIds": [],
    "memberId": "2d24cb8a-adcc-466a-ab59-fa74e0889a39",
    "hashtags": [],
    "commentingEnabled": true,
    "minutesToRead": 0,
    "tagIds": [],
    "relatedPostIds": [],
    "pricingPlanIds": [],
    "language": "en",
    "changeOrigin": "AUTO_SAVE",
    "contentId": "622f285f7952527f485bc138",
    "editingSessionId": "0aca7f65-1237-482e-bf51-6d14102ee691",
    "status": "UNPUBLISHED",
    "mostRecentContributorId": "2d24cb8a-adcc-466a-ab59-fa74e0889a37",
    "hasUnpublishedChanges": true,
    "editedDate": "2022-03-14T11:34:55.121Z",
    "seoData": {
      "tags": []
    "seoShowInSearch": true,
    "seoShowSnippetInSearch": true,
    "slugs": [],
    "createdDate": "2022-03-14T11:34:55.121Z"
1 Like

Thank you, will report to the relevant team!