Hey everyone!
I’m new here. Hope this is the right place for this sort of thing.
I’m simply trying to have a button on a repeater link to the same items individual dynamic page (I opened an “item page”, and a “category page”- for the repeater).
I’ve been searching all day but didn’t find any piece of information that could help. So either this is really obvious, or… I don’t know…
(the idea is to have a repeater show different items, and to have a button to take the user to the full page).
I know there’s a “Page URL” column in the database. but I didn’t find a way to have individual pages URLs show in it. so it’s just empty.
I could link to the dynamic page through the link option (link> page> “which page” drop down menu), but sadly, this results in every button on the repeater linking to the same page.
If anyone could tell me how to either link to a dynamic page, or write a simple code to fetch the link to a dynamic page to the URL column, or anything useful for navigating in a website with about 1500 items really…
I would greatly appreciate it!
No responses yet… I’ll take any feedback really. should I just give up on this? are dynamic pages not yet really usable? I’m starting to think I should open every page manually ( around 1500 pages), but I would really like to avoid it if possible.
If anyone had any experience with this I’d love to get your opinion.
Hi Ruby, I’m still stumbling along a bit, myself. I’m not certain if I understand what you are trying to accomplish. If I did, Creating a Dynamic List Index Page | Help Center | Wix.com
may be what you’re ooking for. Otherwise, you could populate a URL field in your dataset and have the repeater populate from that.
Hope that helps if you haven’t arrived at a solution already .
Thank you for the response. I actually opened a ticket a few days after this post.
and issue was solved. my problem was I had the database set to “sandbox” and didn’t make the transfer to “live” and therefore I could see the pages on preview but not on the live site.
Thank you for taking the time to respond.
Maybe this short thread will help someone in the future.