Creating A Members Points System

I am new to wix and am loving all of the capabilities. I am attempting to develop a store where members can use points to purchase items. Members earn points from completing challenges.

I have set up a members area and the challenge add-on. The challenge add-on creates a dataset for ‘Badges’ which I believe I can manipulate to get the info I need. However, I need to transform the data.

I have the following Datasets
‘Badges’ (Read Only):

'MembersPrivateData" (Read Only):

I’d like to create a new dataset which shows the following information
| User ID | ‘Badges Earned’| Points |
where points would be calculated with a formula something like: Points = Badge1*10 + Badge2 * 15

Finally I would like to add the Points to display in the members area Dynamic page. It would update base on who is logged in.

Any advice is appreciated! Please let me know what other information you need.


All possibilities for your project you should find here…

Did you end up succeding? I’m looking to create a similar system.

My project is still under developement, you will have to wait a little bit, before i can show you a demo-version

I will integrate your idea, to show you how it would work for you. Stay tuned…

You will be able to find it soon in the shown system created by my own…

Will also find the first version of code-fired badge-creator in in the Login-Example…

Back to your idea:

How i would make the POINT-SYSTEM, to work fully automatically.
There a two different scenarios:

-User can collect points on your site trough…
-activity (for example every login = 1-point)
-if you have a blog of forum → trough posts (every post = 1-point)
-you can also define more different pointing systems like → GOLDEN-POINTS or what ever (1x GOLDEN-POINT = 10 normal points and so on).

When a USER / MEMBER reaches a certain amount of POINTS, he gets a new —> BADGE. See the example- list below…

100-points —> Silver-Badge (Silver-Member)
500-points —> Golden-Badge (Gold-Member)
5000-points —> Diamond-Badge (Diamond-Member)

Every of gotten BADGE would activate some new features, or would open some new sites for the current MEMBER, which got the new BADGE.

Scenario-2 would be your suggested IDEA.

There are many possible scenarios, how to generate it. So its on you and your own ideas how to do it.

If you need a full ready2go working CUSTOM-SOLUTION → You will find my CONTACT in my PROFILE.

Is your solution paid?

If you want to get the whole Login-System, than it is not for free, but if you need some help with a code-part of it, i can help you.
You will find my contact in my profile, for further questions.