On my home page, I want to have collapsible strips, where when you click on one, it drops down other strips/boxes. I have taken the collapsible menu template in Wix Code and inputted my items. I can get as far as making the strip a clickable event, however none of the content drops down, rather, it is just collapsed into the strip. Help!
function toggleFold(index) {
let $fold = $w(‘#fold’ + index);
let $arrowDown = $w(‘#arrowDown’ + index);
let $arrowRight = $w(‘#arrowRight’ + index);
// toggle the fold at the index
if ($fold.collapsed) {
else {
// collapse the other folds
.filter(idx => idx !== index)
.forEach(idx => {
$w(‘#fold’ + idx).collapse();
$w(‘#arrowDown’ + idx).hide();
$w(‘#arrowRight’ + idx).show();
export function headerBox1_onClick(event) {
export function headerBox2_onClick(event) {
export function headerBox3_onClick(event) {
export function headerBox4_onClick(event) {