Hello All,
I want to add an embed code to a picture on my website that created by wix. This code is provided by the ministry of Tourism in Turkey and its job is to send the visitors to a ministry verification website system. so they have given me a png document and a sample code. when I create the code, it doesn’t show the photo. I’m not a coder and may not be able to explain it clearly, but please help me if you got the situation. Thankss.
Are you able to show the code they gave you ? + the image.
Paste the code back here in your reply, select the pasted text and then click the code format button at the top of your post
This will display the code in the correct format within your post’s reply…
The issue will be that the path to the image. src in the code needs to point the where ever the image resides.
( DO NOT be tempted to just add the image itself to the page and use the settings to add a link. Adding the image with a link this way I think will likely break the referrer behaviour they talk about )
In your case you have uploaded the image to the wix media library.
Now that the image is uploaded to the Media library, you need to gets its path and set the src of the image embed to it.
1, Select the Media library in the editor,
Even if you see your image in the initial panel do not select it,
2, click the ‘Show More’ button.
3, In the the site files, hover your curser over your image,
you will see an overlay menu appear on top of it.
4, Click the three dots. ‘…’
5, Select ‘Copy Url’ from the menu.
Close the media library.
6, Open the html embed on the editor page.
and replace the image src with the url you just copied.
i.e select the image file name in the src, and paste over it the new url.
the image src should now look some thing like this .
Click Update and that’s it.
Depending on the image size, the image may show up too big on the page.
You will need to add some css to resize it.
You would need to give the image a class name. and include your css.
The code would look something like this.
<a href="https://www.tursab.org.tr/tr/ddsv" target="_blank" ><img class="referImage" src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/1495b2_d24257b49799bc71665118a57fb~mv2.png" /></a>
( not the link I use her for the image will not work for you, use you own image path )
I am not familiar with how wix refers sites/pages.
Have you done what they say in regard to opening the link in another window/ tab and adding the meta tags they mentioned.
Their site is checking the refer domain by the looks of it.
I cannot test this bit for obvious reasons.
But something like this.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="referrer" content"orgin">
<a href="https://www.tursab.org.tr/tr/ddsv" target="_blank" ><img class="referImage" src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/1495b2_]24257b49799bc71665118a57fb~mv2.png" /></a>
<title>Untitled 4</title>
Failing that, use the wix chat support to speak to one of their experts.
Ok Thanks for your time, Mark! I thought you were from Wix though.