Creating full screen strip, vertically and horizontally

When people click on my link to the website and come to the home page, I would like the strip to automatically size to fit their screen. Both vertically and horizontally. As soon as they start to scroll down, the next strip will then be visible. How can I do this on wix?

Thanks in advance for your help.


This forum is specialised in Wix Code product.
Therefore, I suggest you contact Wix Support , as they can help you best.

Do you have a solution using Wix code ?
Because the only solution today is to create a full screen pop-in.


There’s no option to change a strip’s size using code.

Have a good day,

Hey Tal,
Do you know if any other elements likes boxes can be made to fit the entire screen regardless of screen size using wix code?


No, there are no other elements to do such a thing. If you wish to have a specific layout, you can simply change the page color / image.

I found a solution that works great.

Create a strip witch contains only an image and set it to full stretch then create a database under wix developer tools. Create a column and send the type as image. Then upload your image somewhere that you get a url and click on the database column on the right side ( Three dots ) and choose " Enter an image Url". Then go back to your strip and attach it to the specific database and image column. Hope it helps!

I am a bit of a novice here - can you please explain how you did this? I don’t understand the database and image column.

I didn’t understand it either

Hey Roi, I can’t find where to go to find the proper support on this. Can you point me in the right direction? Thx,

Hey Konstantinos, I couldn’t understand your instructions, could you explain better please?

Can someone at Corvid please add this capability? A lot of the best websites in the world have the top image/element on the website adjust to screen size. For example, Then the start of the second element is just below the bottom of the page.