Creating Team/employees on a page with Pop-up for Bios

I don’t see this as a current request.

Creating Team/employees on a page with Pop-up for Bios

The current options don’t offer a pop-up for bios.

We are currently using a PRO gallery - but there is another issue that comes up with this - and that is - having the name of a team member and their title below that. We have had to add custom coding to get this to work.

Maybe you can add one more field to your PRO gallery where the media information goes? in between title and description to fix this - that would take care of it simply…

Being able to have this option for sites with team pages will solve this issue. Especially for more corporate sites with larger team members - than say an artist’s page. The work around is not really that elegant - and leads to additional costs and time when adding the custom code. Also anytime we need to update it - everything gets a little wonky.

Thank you!!!

Excellent suggestion. Please also add it to the roadmap! Product Roadmap