Creating Test Development Sites using Wix Studio

Is this currently an existing feature request?

Wishlist item
Wix Development Center test sites using Wix Studio, for development of Wix Blocks

What current pain point are you facing?

The dev center testing sites are all classic editor sites. While this is helpful, i have a need to test out some of our blocks on the new Wix Studio to ensure they work as expected, in the fully responsive environment. Our Blocks use Custom Elements, which require a premium plan and a domain in order to be tested.

Do you have a current workaround that you’re using?
Not as yet

Describe the feature you need and how it would work. (Bonus points for mockups :wink:)
Selecting Test this component from the dev center Blocks backend would give an option that says “Create a Wix Studio Development Site”

How will this impact you?
It would allow us to be sure that our blocks apps work on this new platform, responsively and correctly functional


This is a great idea @chris-derrell!

And not only for Blocks, I can see this being beneficial for developers using other areas of the dev centre and needing to test their apps in a responsive environment.

Feedback passed on :slight_smile: