@aleksander-denga thank you for getting back to me, I have raised the issue in a separate post here https://www.wix.com/corvid/forum/community-discussion/displaying-dates-and-ratings-in-google-results
But no one will answer me and this has been dragging on for 4 months now… Two wix professionals have checked the code, Salman and Nayeli and have confirmed that the code is good. The wix team won’t take anything to do with it and the forum seems to be empty to anyone wanting to actually delve into the issue and see what’s happening.
Would you be able to help or point me in the direction of what to do?
However, note that as it states on that page above, it only works on static pages for the time being, so if your pages are dynamic, then that will be the reason why they are not showing the additional extras etc.
You can add Schema.org to static pages of your site. It is not possible to apply these settings to Wix Code dynamic pages or business solution pages (e.g. pages from Hotels, Restaurants, Bookings, etc.).
@givemeawhisky thanks for the info. I already have the coding in place, coded by one of the wix team… and then paid another Wix team member (Nayeli) to check this. The code does function but not 100% and I have been informed by the professionals that it should work and that there is an issue at the Wix end. So where do I go from here?
In four months not a single person has mentioned that you can’t do this on dynamic pages… is this still the case @aleksander-denga ? As the code does function just not on all of the pages and doesn’t show ratings on the item page but does for the category page.
It would make sense if those category pages are static, whereas your item pages are dynamic, although that is providing that the static only page link above is still enforceable and nothing has changed for it as of yet.
Thanks yourself Alex as we do need all the Wix Support pages and the Wix API Reference to be kept up to date with all the latest versions or changes in the examples provided or the sample code given.
Especially, as a lot of users will simply be copying and pasting code that they find and not really taking in everything that they have to do with it all.
With regards to all the Wix Support pages/API Reference and tutorials/samples etc, are they checked over every so often and updated whenever needed or stated as deprecated when not used anymore? (I know a lot is altered when needed, however not everything seems to get sorted).
Or are they just left and only changed when somebody in Wix or a Wix user notices a mistake and points it out etc, would assume and hope that this last sentence is not the case,
Finally, it would be great if it was opened up to all pages and not just static pages, as that limits it greatly for many users who will have dynamic pages that they want to use this on and they can’t.
Both the category and item page are dynamic, as I mentioned the category page schema works, displaying the ratings as intended. The item page shows around 25% of the 70 courses dates in search results but no ratings and I get errors in the search console about events, url and price fields missing.
I can’t provide pictures or full details as I’m on mobile but will do so in a few days when i return home
I’m still trying to get more information regarding this matter. Although, SEO team in Wix has confirmed that schemas for dynamic page is not officially supported, I do want to understand where exactly the breaking point is.
Also, might be interesting for you to know that there is a new product coming soon, which is aimed to cover up this gap for schemas in dynamic pages as well. Can’t give more details here, but will send you a word once it is released.
@givemeawhisky Hi. You’re right - it is not an easy task to track the relevance of all the documentation across Wix-Corvid, especially the old ones, being immutable for ages. The docs team of course monitors the new changes and always trying to update things with the latest info, but sometimes things just slips through our fingers. And we are more than grateful to anyone pointing these imprecisions out.
Regards, Alex
@givemeawhisky I have the code updated and have resubmitted the sitemap to Google yesterday, lets see what the next few days brings to the search results!
@contact53319 after lots of coding, adjusting debugging and google crawling, the new SEO API doesn’t seem to work… even with everthing showing as it should in tests.
@admin51915 has informed me that there must be an issue else where. @Aleksander Denga, could you look into this? And inform me why the API isn’t working?
Many thanks