I have managed to create an interactive horizontal accordion-style section (based on the first 25 mins of this YouTube video) and I need to tweak it so that two things happen (hopefully!!)…
1. I need the first menu item to be expanded as default, so when scrolling to that section it’s more obvious to users that it’s interactive.
2. I need ‘.menuItem’ to stay at 560px on hover (expanded) and then collapse back to 120px on click, instead of hovering off.
The containers have been built with max-content width hence the nice flowing movement, I just need to have the option of them all open at once, or two, etc.
I am using Wix Studio, using the below CSS:
.menuParent {
overflow: hidden;
.collapsed {
display: none;
.menuItem {
width: 120px;
transition: width 0.5s ease;
.menuItem:hover {
width: 560px;
.menuItem:hover .collapsed {
display: block;
I am not particularly well-versed in code yet, but have been asking chatGPT to tweak it, but have had no success. Any help is hugely appreciated as it’s driving me crazy – it may be a very easy fix, or it might not be possible!
My working site is here, please scroll to ‘Our approach’ and you will see the accordion with image interactivity – https://amycarmann.wixstudio.io/deep-discovery
Thank you!