Feel like I’m missing something, but everything I’ve tried doesn’t work. I just want to bold the current page’s menu item.
I’ve tried the following classes…
a.itemDepth02233374943–isCurrentPage .horizontal-menu__item-label
o bold the current page’s menu item using CSS, you can try targeting the menu item with a class or attribute that Wix or your theme might automatically assign to the active (current) menu item. You were close with some of the selectors, but here’s a refined approach.
If the menu item for the current page has a specific class (like is-active, active, or current), you can use a selector that targets that class.
Thanks for taking the time to respond. Even when I use the same ID/class as used in the site, nothing happens. My code doesn’t even show up. This was my last attempt…
I imagine there might be some kind of CSS hack to address this issue, but when I attempted the same thing before, I wasn’t able to make it work. Many people have raised this question in forums, so it would be great if Wix Studio’s editor UI could allow direct configuration for this. If I remember correctly, features like underlining could be set, but bold formatting could not right?
I’ve personally always wondered about this, but I just realized that maybe the reason bold formatting isn’t available is that not all fonts include bold data. That’s probably also why there’s no option for italic formatting either.