Currency Converter


I am using the code for the currency converter from here.

To display the conversion result, a lot of characters after the comma are used.

How can you limit the output of characters to the third decimal place?

import { currencies } from 'wix-pay';

$w.onReady(function () {
    $w('#convertButton').onClick(() => conversionHandler());

async function initDropdowns() {
    const listOfAllCurrencies = await currencies.getAllCurrencies();
    const optionsArray = formAsDropdownOptions(listOfAllCurrencies);
    optionsArray.sort((option1, option2) => compareOptionsAlphabetically(option1.label, option2.label));
    $w('#dropdownFrom').options = optionsArray;
    $w('#dropdownTo').options = optionsArray;

function formAsDropdownOptions(listOfAllCurrencies) {
    const optionsArray = => {
        return {
            'value': currencyItem.code,
            'label': currencyItem.code,
    return optionsArray;

function compareOptionsAlphabetically(label1, label2) {
    if (label1 > label2) {
        return 1;
    return -1;

async function conversionHandler() {
    const amount = Number($w('#amountInput').value);
    const fromCurrency = $w('#dropdownFrom').value;
    const toCurrency = $w('#dropdownTo').value;
    const convertionResult = await currencies.currencyConverter.convertAmounts({
        'amounts': [amount],
        'from': fromCurrency,
        'to': toCurrency
    const result = String((convertionResult.amounts[0]));
    const timestamp = String(convertionResult.timestamp);
    $w('#resultInput').value = result;
    $w('#timestampText').text = `Rates are valid to \n ${timestamp}`;