Custom bookings experience - sort option


I’m using Wix bookings on my site. I’m not using the default Bookings Widget to show an overview of all services. The reason why isn’t important for this post.

I get a list from all my services I want to display using a custom filter and dataset that is linked to a repeater. The dataset is connected to the Bookings Services dataset. This is working great.

In the Wix Bookings backoffice, you can configure all the services, using the “Booking Services” page. On this page you can drag and drop the services to arrange in which order order services are displayed your web page. This works fine if you are using the default bookings widget.

What I would like to do with my custom dataset is to access this “Display Order”. Unfortunately, this field isn’t included in the dataset, so I can’t sort my dataset on this field. In fact, the only field I can select to order the dataset is the “Slug” field from Services dataset (and I can’t edit this).

My question:
Is it possible to retrieve the Display order using the Bookings API? Or is my only solution to setup another custom dataset where I refer to each service and add a “sort order”?

If it is not retrievable, hereby a feature request:
Is it possible to add the sort option to the Bookings API or add the field to the services dataset and accessible for sorting on?

Kind regards,
