Custom form - can fixed text (not just user input) be submitted?

Hello all,

I am new to coding. I am creating a custom form where users will be able to select from checkboxes that will represent categories and then fill in the required input. Once they select a checkbox, the rest of the form corresponding to the category name will expand. There will be about 20 checkboxes eventually , all with the same input.

You can see my example below. I have started off by just developing 3 to see how I go with the coding. All is going well so far, but when I submit the form only the input for the number and quantity is recorded. How can the ‘category’ text be attached so when users submit the form it too will come up on my database?

Looking forward to your solutions!

// API Reference:
// “Hello, World!” Example:

$w.onReady(function () {
    $w("#checkbox1").onClick( (event) => {
 if ($w("#checkbox1").checked===true) {
} );

    $w("#checkbox2").onClick( (event) => {
 if ($w("#checkbox2").checked===true) {
} );

    $w("#checkbox3").onClick( (event) => {
 if ($w("#checkbox3").checked===true) {
} );

} );