Custom Sign Up Form Editor X

Hello team, I am working on building a custom sign up form in a lightbox with Editor X. I have followed the tutorial and have managed to link correctly the following fields:
First Name
Last Name
Custom Field

However I am having difficulty linking input fields with the address field in the members data.

Please see below the code I have used:

import { authentication } from ‘wix-members’ ;

let emails = ;

$w . onReady ( function () {
$w ( ‘#register’ ). onClick ( () => {
const password = $w ( ‘#password’ ). value ;
const residence = $w ( ‘#residence’ ). value ;
const phone = $w ( ‘#telephone’ ). value ;
const addressLine = $w ( ‘#addressLine’ ). value ;
const city = $w ( ‘#city’ ). value ;
const postalCode = $w ( ‘#postalCode’ ). value ;
const email = $w ( ‘#email’ ). value ;
emails . push ( email );

  let  options  = { 
 contactInfo : { 
   firstName :  $w ( '#firstname' ). value , 
   lastName :  $w ( '#lastname' ). value , 
   emails :  emails , 
   residence :  $w ( '#residence' ). value , 
   phone :  $w ( '#telephone' ). value , 
   city :  $w ( '#city' ). value , 
   postalCode :  $w ( '#postalCode' ). value , 
   addressLine :  $w ( '#addressLine' ). value 
 privacyStatus :  'PUBLIC' 


authentication . register ( email , password , options )
. then (( registrationResult ) => {
const status = registrationResult . status ;
// When the site is configured for automatic approval, status is “ACTIVE” and the member is approved and logged in.
console . log ( ‘Member registered and logged in:’ , registrationResult );
. catch (( error ) => {
console . error ( error );

Thanks all for your help!!!

I don’t know if you can submit the address directly with the register() method. At least this field does not appear in the documentation .

What you can do is to register the user and then() update the member’s address using backend updateMember method.

Thanks everyone. I have managed to find a workaround by creating custom member fields with a random name, for example: “Addresss”, then I have connected them via the code as above and then renamed them in the member fields. Let me know if anyone else is looking for help with this and I can explain.

Hey Andrei! I’d love to get some help with a similar issue I’m having. I have a custom sign up form in a Lightbox. Submissions are going through fine except for my Custom Field. Wix support staff can’t seem to figure it out either