Custom Sign up not working

Good morning everyone

Hope you are all doing well?

I am busy setting up a website, and I want to make use of the custom sign up / log in features. Now the problem I am facing is, that my sign up part of the coding is done, but when trying to sign up on live website it does absolutely nothing when clicking sign up.

Really hope to hear from someone soon. Thank you.

This is the website:

Here is the code:
import wixWindow from “wix-window” ;
import wixUsers from “wix-users” ;
import {fetch} from “wix-fetch” ;
import wixData from “wix-data” ;

let ipAddress;
let ipCountry;

$w.onReady( function () {



// Retrieve user current IP Address & Country
function getUserIP(){
fetch( ‘’ , {
method: ‘get’
}).then((httpResponse) => {
if (httpResponse.ok){
return httpResponse.json();
}).then((json) => {
ipAddress = json.query;
ipCountry =;

// CLose light box by clicking cross
export function btnLightClose_click(event) {

wixWindow.lightbox.close( 'Sign up' ); 


// Close Sign up lightbox and redirects to Log in lightbox
export function btnLightLogin_click(event) {

wixWindow.lightbox.close( 'Sign up' ); 
wixWindow.openLightbox( 'Log in' ); 


// Clicking Sign up button generates random peopleId, check country, ip address & submit data to Partners Database
export function btnLightSignup_click(event) {

$w( '#txtLightMessage' ).text =  "Please wait . . ." ; $w( '#txtLightMessage' ).show(); 

$w( "#btnLightSignup" ).disable(); 

let emails = ;
emails.push($w( “#iptLightEmail” ).value);

wixUsers.register($w( "#iptLightEmail" ).value, $w( "#iptLightPassword" ).value,  

“contactInfo” : {
“firstName” : $w( “#iptLightFirstName” ),
“lastName” : $w( “#iptLightLastName” ),
“emails” : emails
}).then(() => {

let rand = Math.random().toString( 36 ).substr( 2 , 3 );
let hours = Math.round( / 1000 / 60 / 60 )
let generateId = rand.toString() + hours.toString();

let toInsert = {
“_id” :,
“emailAddress” : $w( “#iptLightEmail” ).value,
“peopleID” : generateId,
“firstName” : $w( “#iptLightFirstName” ).value,
“lastName” : $w( “#iptLightLastName” ).value,
“emailVerified” : “No” ,
“country” : ipCountry,
“ipAddress” : ipAddress,
“profilePicture” : ‘

        wixData.insert( "Partners" , toInsert) 
        .then(() => { 

            $w( '#txtLightMessage' ).text =  "Sign up have completed successfully. Redirecting now. . ." ; $w( '#txtLightMessage' ).show(); 

            setTimeout(btnLightLogin_click,  2000 ); 

        }). catch ((err) => { 
            $w( '#txtLightMessage' ).text =  "Signing up failed. Please try again later." ; $w( '#txtLightMessage' ).show(); 




// Check for valid First name & Last name. Verify email & password with confirm email & confirm password inputs
function doChecks() {

wixData.query( "Partners" ) 

if ($w( “#iptLightFirstName” ).value.length < 2 || $w( “#iptLightLastName” ).value.lenght < 2 ){
$w( “#txtLightMessage” ).text = “Please enter a valid first and last name.” ; $w( “#txtLightMessage” ).show();
$w( “#btnLightSignup” ).disable();

}  **else if**  ($w( "#iptLightEmail" ).value !== $w( "#iptLightEmailConfirm" ).value){ 
    $w( "#txtLightMessage" ).text =  "Your email address doesn't match." ; $w( "#txtLightMessage" ).show(); 

}  **else if**  ($w( "#iptLightPassword" ).value !== $w( "#iptLightPasswordConfirm" ).value){ 
    $w( "#txtLightMessage" ).text =  "Your passwords don't match." ; $w( "#txtLightMessage" ).show(); 

}  **else**  { 
    $w( "#btnLightSignup" ).enable(); 
    $w( "#txtLightMessage" ).hide(); 


// Clear Timeout after each keypress & set timeout to 2 seconds after keypresses stopped
export function iptLightFirstName_keyPress(event) {
clearTimeout(doChecks); setTimeout(doChecks, 2000 );

export function iptLightLastName_keyPress(event) {
clearTimeout(doChecks); setTimeout(doChecks, 2000 );

export function iptLightEmail_keyPress(event) {
clearTimeout(doChecks); setTimeout(doChecks, 2000 );
$w( “#iptLightEmailConfirm” ).enable();
$w( “#iptLightEmailConfirm” ).expand();

export function iptLightEmailConfirm_keyPress(event) {
clearTimeout(doChecks); setTimeout(doChecks, 2000 );

export function iptLightPassword_keyPress(event) {
clearTimeout(doChecks); setTimeout(doChecks, 2000 );
$w( “#iptLightPasswordConfirm” ).enable();
$w( “#iptLightPasswordConfirm” ).expand();

export function iptLightPasswordConfirm_keyPress(event) {
clearTimeout(doChecks); setTimeout(doChecks, 2000 );