Custom Validation

Hi. Im having a problem with login form validation. Im trying to validate all my form fields but I Im missing something which cause an error. I would really like your kind help,
Thanks in advance.
Heres my code:

import wixWindow from ‘wix-window’;
import wixData from ‘wix-data’;
import { local } from ‘wix-storage’;
export function signup_click(event) {
const validateEmail = (otherEmailElementId) => (value, reject) => {
let otherEmailElement = $w(otherEmailElementId);
if (value === otherEmailElement.value) {
otherEmailElement.validity.valid = true ;
return ;
console.log(“Email and Confirm Your Email fields do not match”);
otherEmailElement.validity.valid = false ;
reject(“Email and Confirm Email fields do not match”);

$w('#dataset1').onBeforeSave(() => { 

if (!($w(‘#privatenamereg’).valid && $w(‘#lastnamereg’).valid && $w(‘#mailreg’).valid &&
$w(‘#passwordreg’).valid)) {

let validationMessage = ‘’;

if (!$w(‘#privatenamereg’).valid || !$w(‘#lastnamereg’).valid)
validationMessage += ‘please enter first name and last name*’;
if (!$w(‘#mailreg’).valid) {
if (!$w(‘#mailreg’).value)
validationMessage += ‘please enter a Valid mail address*’;
else if ($w(‘#mailreg’).value !== $w(“#mailvalidate”).value) {
validationMessage += ‘mail fields are not matching’;

const validatePassword = (otherPasswordElementId) => (value, reject) => {
let otherPasswordElement = $w(otherPasswordElementId);
if (value === otherPasswordElement.value) {
otherPasswordElement.validity.valid = true ;
return ;
console.log(“Password and Confirm Your Password fields do not match”);
otherPasswordElement.validity.valid = false ;
reject(“Password and Confirm Password fields do not match”);

$w('#dataset1').onBeforeSave(() => { 

if (!($w(‘#privatenamereg’).valid && $w(‘#lastnamereg’).valid && $w(‘#mailreg’).valid &&
$w(‘#passwordreg’).valid)) {

let validationMessage = passwords are not matching’;

if (!$w(‘#passwordreg’).valid) {
if (!$w(‘#passwordreg’).value)
validationMessage += ‘please enter Password*’;
else if ($w(‘#passwordreg’).value !== $w(“#passwordvalidate”).value) {
validationMessage += ’ passwords are not matching*';

if you are using and copying this tutorial, tehn make sure that you check your code to make sure that it is matching with the tutorial.

Start of your code above:

import wixWindow from 'wix-window';
import wixData from 'wix-data';
import { local } from 'wix-storage';
export function signup_click(event) {
const validateEmail = (otherEmailElementId) => (value, reject) => {
let otherEmailElement = $w(otherEmailElementId);
if (value === otherEmailElement.value) {
otherEmailElement.validity.valid = true;

Start of code from tutorial:

import wixWindow from 'wix-window';
import wixData from 'wix-data';
import { local } from 'wix-storage';

$w.onReady(function () {

const validateEmail = (otherEmailElementId) => (value, reject) => {
let otherEmailElement = $w(otherEmailElementId);
if (value === otherEmailElement.value) {
otherEmailElement.validity.valid = true;

Hi, thanks for replay. The only thinf I’ve added is the export function at the beggining of the code to mekae sure it’ll work when people press the button.