Customer Inquiry Form

Hello! I’m new to Wix Code and am hoping to find an answer in this form to an obstacle I am facing. I’d like to create a custom user input form for something very simple, a customer inquiry about the services my company offers. That part seems straight forward. I’d also like to associate a Triggered Email with the user input form so the prospective customer can receive a response upon form submission. Again that part seems to be pretty straight forward.

What I’m struggling with is, how can I notify my colleagues that a prospective customer has submitted a form? Here is the workflow I’m trying to make happen:

  1. Prospective customer submits form on my website.
  2. Prospective customer sees a thank you message on screen, and receives a Triggered Email informing them of next steps.
  3. My colleague(s) receive an email with the details of the form that was submitted (prospective customer’s name, email address, phone, etc…)

Is there a way to make #3 above happen using either Wix Code or a Triggered Email? Or is there something I am not thinking of?


Hello there - just wondering if someone from the WIX Code community might be able to help me? Thanks!

Hi Jangert,
It’s possible with Wix Code and Triggered Email.
I suggest to start with building a form.
Check out this article:
Please update in your progress.

Hi Roi,

Thanks for getting back to me. I have not created a user input form yet, but that seems very straightforward and I don’t think I’ll have any questions about that piece. My question is specifically about what happens AFTER a form is submitted…

I need help figuring out how to send 1) a custom thank you message to the person who submitted a form and 2) an email alert to me and my staff… letting us know that a form has been submitted.

Triggered emails can satisfy #1 above… but I am not sure how to do #2 (send email notifications to specific email addresses). Can you provide any info on that?
