Customizing Specific Dynamic Item Pages?


I am very new to Wix, and trying to set up a “team” section on my website. I got everything to work, but am realizing that certain team members will need certain links, and others will not (ex: only some have a Spanish version of a bio PDF that I will want to link).
I want to be able to link these things only on certain team members’ pages. Is this possible to do on dynamic pages? Or do they all have to have the same exact elements, no exceptions?

Thank you!

It is possible. Please add details:
Is the dynamic page i user-specific?
Is the difference between user roles or specific users?
Do you store in your database which link is relevant to which user?

Thank you.
Each dynamic page is referencing a single person (user - I believe this is what you mean).
The difference that I’m trying to achieve is between specific users (people)
My database is set up by user (person) - so each line is for a specific person. So I will have one column that will link to an English PDF, and one column that will link to a Spanish PDF. But not all users will have this Spanish PDF.

This link below, you’ll see I have the download bio PDF image. Some people will have two of these PDFs to link to, and some will only have this one that is shown. So I want some pages to have a second PDF image link.
( )

Hopefully I answered your questions correctly. My apologies if not.

@khaynesx3 OK.
So let’s say you have 3 columns in your database collection:
userId, hasEnglishLink (type: boolean), hasSpanishLink (type: boolean);
and in the code section write:

$w.onReady(() => {
$w("#dynamicDataset1").onReady(() => {
let item = $w("#dynamicDataset1).getCurrentItem();
item.hasEnglishLink ? $w("#buton1").expand() : $w("#buton1").collapse();
item.hasSpanishLink ? $w("#buton2").expand() : $w("#buton2").collapse();

instead of “dynamicDataset1” use your dataset property id.
instead of “button1” and “button2” use your buttons id

@jonatandor35 It worked! Thank you so so so much.