I am new to velo and don’t completly understand it, so I ask that you have pacientce with me.
I am trying to change the state of a multi-state box every 5 seconds to create a loop of taglines playing on my site header. Here is the code I have tried to use, but nothing happens when I preview the code. I have double checked the ID names multipule times.
$w.onReady(function () {
const multiStateBox = $w('#Titleloop');
const states = ['State1', 'State2', 'State3', 'State4'];
let currentIndex = 0;
function cycleStates() {
multiStateBox.value = states[currentIndex];
currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % states.length;
setTimeout(cycleStates, 5000);
Thank you in advance!
!!! —> setTimeOut() <---- is NOT —> setInterval() <---- !!!
You will need something like this…
$w.onReady(()=> {
const maxRounds=5;
const stateSwitchTime=5000;
const myMSB=$w('#Titleloop');
// Counter variable to track the number of rounds
let counter = 0;
function intervalFunction() {counter++;
console.log('Interval function triggered. Round:', counter);
if (counter===maxRounds) {
// Clear the interval when counter reaches 5-rounds.
console.log('Interval stopped after 5 rounds.');
else {console.log("Changing MSB-STATE...ROUND-"+counter)
const intervalId = setInterval(intervalFunction, stateSwitchTime);
!!! Try to get it to work. This is just an example !!!