Database Collection Rename/Deleting

As far as i am aware, there is no current way to delete or rename a collection. I personally would really like this feature. As i accidentally named my members collection memebers. It’s a minor mistake on my part and it would be wonderful to be able to fix it. I imagine this has been requested quite a few times, i apologize for adding to that request list if that is the case.



sigh its been FOREVER like i need to delete them, such a simple thing u think we have enuff requests by now


You can finally remove unneeded database collections from your site! No more “NewCollectionName”, “Test” or other typos polluting your database folder.

Be aware that removing your collection might have some consequences for your site, so it’s better to remove Dynamic Pages, Datasets, and Reference type fields that are pointing to collection about to be deleted.

More details here: . Happy cleaning!