Database/Form question

I’m looking to create a page that my client can go to, type into a form and have that information display on another page (almost like a blog). I feel like an idiot but I can’t figure out how to do this. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


The first page could be a protected page, available only to site members, or password protected. You could also write some JavaScript code to check the user more specifically.

The page would have a dataset on it, set to write-only mode. You would connect input components to this to complete the form, and finally a button, connected to the “submit” action.

Finally, assuming you want a separate page for each item, you would create a dynamic page for it and connect the elements on it to the same collection as the form.

You could complete the picture with a page showing all items in a gallery or a table (other repeating layouts coming soon)

Is that what you were looking for?

That’s basically what I am looking for. The page is for a mom to be able to post updates about her son with cancer. I don’t want to go the blog route since I don’t want her to have to log into the account. I just want her to be able to put a title and then the update into a form that would automatically update on the Updates page of the website once she hits submit.