Dataset Based Dropdown - value/Label

Hey Guys
I have built a dropdown that is linked to a dataset.
I would like the dropdown to show a certain field (player name) and the value to be another (player ID)
This is relatively trivial if you set the items manually - however when they are set via a dataset I don’t see an option to do it (see image below)
Am I missing something? is there a way to do it?

Thanks so much


Hi kobifrankental,

You have a point, we do not have this option and should add it.

What you can do for now, is to use wix-data APIs and the dopdown APIs to get the list of players from the collection to the dropdown. Something like

Should be something like the following

import wixData from 'wix-data';
$w.onReady(() => {
    .then(res => {
      let options = => 
        {label: player.playerName, value: playerId});
      $w('#DROPDOWN').options = options; 