Dataset error to save

I used the setfieldvalue to change one information of my database, and it works, but doesn’t save. I already checked the type of the information that I want to change, and it’s a number, and checked the permissions of my collection which is: everyone can do everything.
Any idea to help me? Thank you!

If you wanna see the problem, go to the link:

answer: "azul"in the field resposta and click “ok”

then check, on the left, the “saldo”. Probably you will see the number 2

Refresh the page and check, on the left, the “saldo” again. Should be 2 yet, but probably you will see 0

For starters, your pages onReady function should be at the top of your page underneath your imports and not on line 245 of your code, the same with the onReady function for your dataset, you are better wrapping that up with your pages onReady function so that the page and the dataset loads up first.

As for your save function, it needs to go after the setFieldValue function in your code.

You can see an example in the Wix API Reference for setFieldValue and setFieldValues.
Set a field’s value and save the item to the connected collection

$w("#myDataset").setFieldValue("title", "New Title");

Dataset - Velo API Reference -

Set several fields’ values

$w("#myDataset").setFieldValues( {
  "title":  "New Title",
  "name":   "New Name"
} );

Thanks! I already made this changes, but still doesn’t work