Dataset filtering help

I am currently working on a website and is new to coding. I have looked up how to filter database but it is somehow not working.

Basically, I am trying to filter the ‘#House’ database so that it matches the userID. However, when i try to run it, it shows all of the other houses that is not equal to the userID.

Here is the code i used:
let userID =;
$w(‘#House’).setFilter(wixData.filter().eq(‘HouseOwner_ID’, userID));

Thank you very much for your help!

I’m not very practical with WIX, but I’ll give you a couple of suggestions that may help you.

  1. $w(’ #House ') must be a collection and not a table
  2. if userID is string, uses ‘contains’ and not ‘eq’

I hope you can help

Hi Claudia,
Thanks for the reply. I have tried out your suggestions but it doesnt seems to work… I suspect that it might have something to do with me connecting the data to a repeater.

Thank you very much for the help!

Hey Claudia,

I lied! I just found out that I named another collection House instead of the actual House collection -.- and it finally works!

Thank you very much!