Dataset Filters Based On Logged In User

Hello, I have read tips through this forum for months but this is the first time using it. I am hoping someone more skilled than I can help out. I have a website which connects business professionals based on a number of data points. I have set up conditional filtering using dropdowns and text boxes (works amazing!) But what I can’t figure out is the filtering for my members pages.

Probably very simple, but I need a code that can give the logged in member suggestions on whom to connect with. An example: when a member goes to their members area, a repeater would list the top 50 other members they should connect with based on say city, or industry. Based on the logged in users form entries, here are the suggestions we have for you to connect with. If I could get an example that would work, I could navigate my way into using it on my website. Any help would be greatly appreciated…

Depends on where you are putting your members data and querying it from.

If you are simply using the Wix Members app PrivateMembersData collection, then you can view the info for it here.

Otherwise, if you have your own additional members collection, then you will need to query that in your code instead.

Plus, you will need to get the current users info first so that you can do a query against their own info etc.

Thanks @givemeawhisky I understand the query and referencing a logged in user. Really struggling with the actual code. I have a separate database with a city and and industry field, or whatever I decided to filter by being there are a number of different fields. I need a code that runs a query against the current logged in users city and industry. That would say give me 15 results that match both. If you can just help me with the initial code, I am sure I can navigate from there…