
I have two datepicker on my rental site (datepicker "start date" and datepicker "end date"). I would like to differentiate :
- Dates that cannot be selected because the period is no longer available: for example they could be crossed out
- Dates that cannot be selected because it is not a possible day of arrival or departure: for example, they could be grayed out.
I am using code with disabledDates, which allows me to gray out the dates I want.
Is there a way to strike out some dates or have them in a different color?

Another question: this code allows me to desactivate certain days of the week for the whole year:
$ w ("#datePickerarrivee"). disabledDaysOfWeek = [0, 1, 2];
Is it possible to desactivate certain days of the week for certain months only?

Thanks a lot for your help,
With code you can disable whatever dates you wish, based on the day of the week or any other factor.

Thank you for your feedback.
I’m already using “disabledDates” to disable days of the week that can’t be selected, it works. I will manage with my database to apply it on a monthly basis.
But I would especially like the “busy” periods to be crossed out while the days of the week that cannot be selected are grayed out.
But I have the impression that this is not possible on WIX …

No. You can’t do it with Wix datepickers. You can try make your own datepicker in an iframe or custom element.

Thank you, I will be able to stop my research!
Too bad because other solutions that you mention may not be part of my skills ...