Wix creates every possible variation available, sets them to visible and uses the default product price.
It means they appear in the store, despite not being real products that the shop owner stocks. It also means that shoppers can buy these default variants at the base price, which would almost always be at a loss
The only solution currently is to go in to each product, open the variants and select hide on the default variants.
I have 43,000 products with over 2 million variants. As it stands I am having to go through all of these manually.
What’s the point of making default variants visible? It literally does nothing other than create admin for the owner and Wix has not given us the tools to fix this problem. Unbelievable oversight by the devs
@bclemond Oh this is interesting feedback! If a store is using those default variants, then I can see how it would be helpful for them to leave them visible, but if not, that definitely sounds like a lot of manual work. I’ve made note of this! Seeing if I can learn any more information on the setup from our Stores team! Do you currently have a large amount of products which is why you’re running into this situation?
There are 1652 products with 11,400 variants. There are several products that have over 900 auto-generated variants. None of the products have more than three options for the customer to select.
Products won’t just auto populate variants. And if you had limited stock of each variant you need to toggle on variant quantity to be able to keep track of each inventory for the real variant possibility’s.
You can export, fix the items in the spreadsheet then re-import again.
The exporting and importing is the problem. When you import products is when the system auto populates the variants. It’s not about stock. Some possible variants just aren’t actual options that we sell.