I have the importing into a collection working like a treat. Thanks guys. But the thing I need to get sorted is the deleting of all records from a collection. I keep getting code errors. Can somebody give me the exact code for doing this?
Let’s say I have a page with an Input Box (#collectionInput) for loading the name of the collection I want to delete all records from.
The only other things is a Button (#deleteButton) which when pressed wipes the collection of all records.
Is this possible? Do I need to add anything else to the page?
Any chance of listing the code to be added for this to work?
Hi Hugh,
There are several ways to achieve that. Here’s one of them:
First of all, add a dataset to the page (let’s say it’s name is ‘dataset1’), and set the permission to be Read & Write.
Then, create a button (let’s say ‘deleteRecordsButton’) with the following onClick() code:
Unfortunately when I use this script, I just get the error Error: The current user does not have permissions to remove on the MyCollection collection. I have read-write settings on the page, proper permissions on the collection, and have the page hosting the script set as a site users page with login, but nothing but errors.