Design of log in/registration lightbox changes

I have a Corvid log in and registration lightboxes that work fine on one of my websites except in the following case:

The design of the input elements (email and password) and the login/registration button change (please see screenshot attached) when I send someone a link to a page that is restricted to user access. So for example, when I send a link to this page [LINK REMOVED] and the user is prompted to the registration/log in lightbox, the lightbox looks like the below screenshot!

I encountered the same problem on Safari and Chrome.
Does anyone have a fix or insight as to why this is happening?

Thank you!

Hi Charbel! Have you tried posting this in the Corvid forum? Someone there may be able to provide you with some insight on this issue. If not, I suggest you submit a support request!

Thank you Steven for your reply! I posted there as well but so far no answer. Gonna wait till tomorrow then submit a support request.

@cehajjdev This an actual bug. There are at least 25 posts in the Corvid Forum about it.

@deleteduser Has there been any response from the Wix team?

@cehajjdev Not that I’m aware of. :frowning:

@deleteduser Well that is very unfortunate! :confused:

@brett-haralson Hi Brett! Sorry to bother you about this! I know this is a corvid issue but i still haven’t gotten any response and according to Heath (above) this issue seems to be happening on several websites! Could you please point us in the right direction to find a solution to this? THANK YOU!!!

@brett-haralson Preferably soon.

@cehajjdev this is a good question - I will put some eyes on this. Let me see what I can muster up.


@cehajjdev Thank you for reporting the issue. We are working on resolution.

@giedrius-grazevicius @cehajjdev Thank you both!

@cehajjdev @deleteduser the fastest way to solve this right now is to remove old ones and replace them with new input and button components.

Sorry for the inconvenience of this one.

@giedrius-grazevicius Amazing! It worked! Thank you! and Thank you @brett-haralson