I’m back again for help…
I have 2 DatePickers in which certains dates are disabled thanks to a database.
I am using some code to make the date selected in the DatePicker1 the minimum date that can be selected in the DatePicker2.
I now want to use maxDate so that the maximum date selectable in DatePicker2 is the first disabledDates after the date selected in datePicker1.
Here is my code:
import wixData from 'wix-data';
$w.onReady(function () {
wixData.query ("News")
. eq ("dispo", true )
. limit (1000)
. find ()
. then ((res) => {
let items = res.items ;
if (items.length > 0) {
let disabledDates = [ ] ;
items.forEach (e => {
disabledDates.push (e.date) ;
} )
$w ("#datePickerarrivee").disabledDates = disabledDates
$w ("#datePickerdepart").disabledDates = disabledDates
export function datePickerarrivee_change_1(event) {
let firstTime = new Date($w('#datePickerarrivee').value).getTime();
let timeTwoDaysHence = firstTime + (3 * 86400000);
let dateTwoDaysHence = new Date(timeTwoDaysHence);
$w('#datePickerdepart').minDate = dateTwoDaysHence;
const disabledDates = $w('#datePickerdepart').disabledDateRanges.map(e => new Date(e.startDate).getTime());
$w('#datePickerdepart').maxDate = new Date(disabledDates.find(e => firstTime < e));
But maxDate doesn’t work, and I get the following error for the line of code:
const disabledDates = $w(‘#datePickerdepart’).disabledDateRanges.map(e => new Date (e.startDate).getTime());
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘map’)
I have dates checked in my database and which are grayed out in the datespickers but which do not seem to be recognized.
I realize that disabledates is deprecated and that disabledateRanges should be used. Does the problem come from the 1st part of the code?
I tried replacing disabledates with disabledDateRanges:
$w (“#datePickerarrivee”).disabledDateRanges = disabledDates
$w (“#datePickerdepart”).disabledDateRanges = disabledDates
but dates are no longer disabled in datepickers.
Is the transition from disabledates to disabledateRange a problem?
If anyone can help me, I would greatly appreciate it!