Display a counted amount after filtering

Hello! I would like to put a function to be able to select an item from two dropdowns, then filter data collection and show the number of filtered items as a text. Who knows what is wrong in my code?

export function searchjobs_click ( event ) {

$w ( “#text45” ). expand ();
$w ( “#button13” ). expand ();
$w ( “#button13” ). enable ();


export function dataset1_ready ( ) {
// This function was added from the Properties & Events panel. To learn more, visit Velo: Working with the Properties & Events Panel | Help Center | Wix.com
// Add your code for this event here:

**let**  query  =  wixData . query ( "dataset1" ); 

wixData . query ( “dataset1” )
. eq ( “title” , “location” )
. gt ($w('dropdown1).value, $w('dropdown2).value)
. count ()
. then ( ( num ) => {
let numberOfItems = num ;
$w ( ‘#text45’ ). text = “There are " + num + " " + " open job postings” ;
} )
. catch ( ( error ) => {
let errorMsg = error . message ;
let code = error . code ;
} ); }

function query ( Postedjobs number ): wix_data

так что у нас тут за проблемка?

Oh, i think we have here a little problem :grin:.
And it’s → like always ← the same problem.
You are mixing between Wix-Data and DATASET! Don’t worry, this is almost already a standard issue, almost every unexperienced user do this mistake.

If you want to know the answer to your question…
Who knows what is wrong in my code? → Do you really want to know that? :grin:
Then i would say → almost everything is wrong in your code :grin: :grin: :grin:

Well, you have now two options and you also will have to make a descision.

  1. You either go the Wix-Data-Way using queries.
  2. Or you go the DATASET-Way using a dataset.

Are you already using a → DATASET?
If so, then continue the → DATASET-WAY.

Here you can see a little prepared CODE-SKELETTON, which could help you out.
Modify the following to get this code working…

  • modify/adjust → all element-IDs (code and element-IDs should be identical)
  • add a reset-button , with ID → “btnReset”, onto your page

Your code then should look like something like…

import wixData from 'wix-data';

var myFilter = [];
var DATASET = "#dataset1";

$w.onReady(()=> {
  $w(DATASET).onReady(()=> {
    $w('#dropdown1, #dropdown2').onChange(()=>{SEARCH_ENGINE();});

    $w("#searchjobs").onClick(()=> {SEARCH_ENGINE();

function SEARCH_ENGINE() {console.log("Search-Engine started");
    let filter = wixData.filter();

    filter = filter.eq("title", "location");
    if ($w('#dropdown1').value && $w('#dropdown2').value) {
        filter = filter.gt($w('#dropdown1').value, $w('#dropdown2').value);
        let count = $w(DATASET).getTotalCount().toString();
        console.log("Total-Count = " + count);
        $w('#text45').text= "There are "+count+ " " + " open job postings";
function RESET () {
    $w("#dropdown1").selectedIndex = undefined;
    $w("#dropdown2").selectedIndex = undefined;
    myFilter = [];

Modify and complete the code to your own needs, good luck!