Has anyone tried to use the velo code sample to display ratings in a form?
I have tried several times without success, so I wonder if there is a mistake in the Code sample given by wix. Here is the link:
I’m creating a form and would like to collect rating Inputs and show customers the average rating and total customer ratings. I have followed the tutorial to and made the necessary changes in the code, but I only get error message when I run the code. The error message seems to be on the line of code that calculates the average rating?
Hi, francois69997 !!
If you share the code you’ve edited, someone in this community might be able to help you find a solution!
When including code in your message, please select the “</>” option and replace the “type or paste code here” text with your code before replying.
like this
$w("#dataset1").onReady(() => {
// get the current item from the dataset
const currentItem = $w("#dataset1").getCurrentItem();
// ...
Hello There!
Tks for the reply. Bellow my code with notes (I Hope its understandable. I have done this procedure several times but I the ratingDisplay doesn’t change nor data is submitted to the collection.
// notes: I have created in my Collection 3 Number fields
1- Average Rating - field ID = averageRatings
2- Rating Submitted - field ID = ratingSubmitted
3- Total Ratings - field ID = totalSubmitted
// I have added a Dataset (id)= “#dataset1”
// a rating display (id)= “#ratingDisplay1” - connected to the “#dataset1”
// the rating value connects to = ratingSubmitted
// Number of ratting connects to = totalSubmitted
// I have added event handler onChange for the “#ratingDisplay1”
// I have added a rating input (id) “#ratingInpunt1”) not connected to the “#dataset1”
The code:
export function ratingsInput1_change(event) {
$w("#dataset1").onReady(() => {
const currentItem = $w("#dataset1").getCurrentItem();
const average = currentItem.averageRatings;
const count = currentItem.ratingSubmitted;
const total = currentItem.totalSubmitted;
const newRating = $w("#ratingsInput1").value;
const newAverageLong = (total + newRating) / (count + 1);
const newAverageShort = Number.parseFloat(newAverageLong).toFixed(1);
averageRatings : newAverageShort,
totalRatings: total + newRating,
rating Submitted: count + 1,
.catch((err) => {
console.log("could not save new rating");
you have extra spacing here after currentItem.(space)
There may be other issues, but that stood out straight away
Hi Dan_Suhr,
tks for looking at it. The extra space indeed was here but not in my original code. I have rectified the code here just in case. Thanks
Hi, francois69997 !!
Thank you for providing the code. It was very helpful. Based on your excellent hint that there might be an issue with the average value calculation, I reviewed the code and I suspect that there might be a problem with the data type of newAverageShort
. Since the return value of toFixed(1)
is a string, it seems that newAverageShort
ends up being a string. Trying to save this value as the averageRatings
in the collection field, which is defined as a number type, may be causing an error. Please modify the code as follows.
like this
const newAverageShort = Number(newAverageLong.toFixed(1)); // number
Tks for the input. I try to change that code line, alas it didn’t work.
I have replaced:
const newAverageShort = Number.parseFloat(newAverageLong).toFixed(1);
// with
const newAverageShort = Number(newAverageLong).toFixed(1);
These are the errors I get:
// UserError: An error occurred in one of undefined callbacks
Caused by TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘averageRatings’)
//Caused by: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘averageRatings’)
Hi, please double-check your code carefully!!
My code
const newAverageShort = Number(newAverageLong.toFixed(1)); // number
Your code
const newAverageShort = Number(newAverageLong).toFixed(1);