Display search database results into a repeater

Dear All, hope everybody is safe.

Please not that I am not a coder, but an avid learner. I am adding some search functionalities to my website. I used the CORVID tutorial to add the search function connected to a database with user input and displaying the results in a table. That worked great, amazing tutorial.

Now I want to step it up and instead of having a table I would like to have a repeater that display the results with all the additional info gathered from the database. I tried by myself adapting some code of other posts but the search doesn’t happen. Any help or redirection to pertinent posts would be amazing!!

Database: Reviews
Repeater: repeater1
Input box: input1
search button: button1
field key for search: title1

The first option that I used was:

import wixData from “wix-data”;

let repeater_results = ‘’;

export function button1_click(event) {
//Add your code for this event here:
// Query the collection for any items whose “Name” field contains
// the value the user entered in the input element
.contains(“title1”, $w(“#input1”).value)
.find() // Run the query
.then(results => {
let firstItem = results.items[0]
repeater_results = firstItem._id;

				.contains("title1", $w("#input1").value) 
				.then(results => {$w("#repeater1").data = results.items } 

The second option that I used was:

import wixData from “wix-data” ;

export function button1_click(event) {
//Add your code for this event here:
wixData.query( “Reviews” )
.contains( “title1” , $w( “#input1” ).value)
.find() // Run the query
.then(res => {
// Set the table data to be the results of the query
$w( “#repeater1” ).data = res.items;
$w( “#repeater1” ).expand();

Thank you so much for your help!


Take a look at the examples below:

Example: Search a Database
Example: Mega Search
Example: Checkbox Dropdown filter

APIs you can refer to:


Some related forum posts:
