Hello everyone,
I’ve been working on a project using Wix Studio and I’m looking for a way to implement pagination, but I haven’t seen an option for it in the Studio editor. However, I noticed there is some documentation on using Pagination available on the Velo API docs,
Has anyone successfully implemented pagination using the Velo API, or is there an alternative method available in Wix Studio for this? Would love to get some advice r guidance.
Which pagination? CMS one?
Hi, Emmanuel_Ajako !!
As far as I know, there is probably no built-in pagination element in Wix Studio yet (at least, I couldn’t find one when I looked recently). So, if you want to implement a pagination system like the one in the standard Wix Editor, where you can click on page numbers to navigate between pages, you’ll currently need to create such a module yourself.
That said, it’s not impossible to manage pagination using Wix Studio’s existing features. Start by adding suitable button elements and connecting them to the dataset you’re using to load data. In the inspector panel, you should notice that in the button’s “Click Action” settings, you can select options like “Next Page” or “Previous Page.”
With this in mind, you can place two buttons—one for navigating to the next page and the other for returning to the previous page. By following these steps, you can create a simple pagination system. It’s a straightforward solution, but I hope the tips above help you get started! 
No, just the numbered buttons
Thanks for tip, guess I’ll just have to try using it with custom code and see how it goes
You need few velo to build this since Wix Studio don’t have any pagination itself in both elements panel, slideshows and CMS.
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