Domain name changes

I would like to ask if this is possible.

If my current domain for my site is and for some pages on my site which will be accesed by members only, I would like to have

Would this be possible? Do I have to buy another domain for that? Because I try to buy but it’s unavailable.

If you add the Wix Members app then your own website will automatically have added extras in the url address.

So the My Account page would be something like this.

Or you look at setting up your own member pages and you can add something after your website name.

If you did the above, then you can use Wix Loaction API and the prefix function to get the prefix part of the url for any reason.

Otherwise, if you want to customize your urls, then you would need to look at using Wix Router API.

Hello GOS, I have the same question of Rinkashi,

I have already a premium wix website account with a domain name on it. (Ex. )

I wish to have different functionality of my main website with a different domain name (Ex. )

But the original link of that was came from

I saw this example of MissCodeQueen, and it works on her part pefectly.

I am planning to avail it but, I just need a clarification is that good for one page only? What if i have another button links on (Ex:different .com/page2 ) is that still possible? =x Or that trick is just for landing page only?


The domain masking that Nayeli is doing in her YouTube video is only really recommended for the one page, however there is nothing stopping you trying it with more pages and see how well it works.

Just note that Wix will not allow you to do it, so it will always have to be through an outside provider like 1&1 that Nayeli used in the tutorial or another provider like GoDaddy for example.

To do it through Wix you would only really have the router option open to you.
This has been asked before as well.

Also, note that there are many pros and cons online about doing this…

Cloaking and masking mean the same thing. Using this method, your web pages will appear in a browser “frame” while the browser address bar will show your domain name. No matter what page is visited on your web site, the address won’t change when using masking.

Cloaking/masking isn’t an ideal use of your domain name as your visitors won’t be able to bookmark specific pages and search engines are more likely to list your pages under the server on which they are hosted; rather than under your domain name.

What is URL masking?

URL masking, also known as cloaked URL forwarding, or link cloaking, uses your domain name for your website in a different way. In this case, the domain points to a browser with a frame which shows your website within it. No matter which page you click on your website, the URL in your address bar stays the same. Your URL is cloaking or masking the real address of your website, which is the server that they are hosted on.

For example, if your URL is, and a user clicks away from your homepage to another page (such as your contact page), this does not change in your address bar. On a website with a properly hosted domain, the URL in your address bar would change with each page visited. So the contact page on your website would show as is available for purchase - Cloaked URLs are common with free web hosts, which let users build a site and select domains that are only pointed to pages with the frames mentioned above.

A great metaphor when describing the difference between URL redirection and cloaked URL forwarding: “Cloaking and forwarding are a little like a redirection service you put on your mail when moving to a new house; whereas using name servers is the actual address of your new premises.”

The dangers of URL masking: for site owners and site users

Having a masked URL poses issues for several reasons. First, site visitors are not able to see the direct addresses of the pages that they are visiting on a webpage, which means they are not able to bookmark or share specific sections of a website. If you have content that you would like your users to share and link back to, they are unable to because they do not have the actual URL for each page of your website.

Cloaked URLs also have negative effects on a website’s search engine rankings. Because websites with masked URLs are hosted on servers with entirely different addresses, search engines will crawl them on those servers, rather than the domain that website owners or managers want them to be crawled on. Search engines are actively punishing websites with cloaked URLs because they are flagged for duplicate content. If you have two different sites serving exactly the same content (which is what it will look like if you’re using URL masking), then which one is authoritative? Which one is correct? Google will penalize sites with duplicate content. This does not happen when a permanent 301 redirect is used, because search engines know to look at the destination of the redirect.

For users, cloaked URLs also pose a security threat. URL masking can be used to create malicious websites that hide their real addresses from the users for nefarious purposes such as phishing or malware deployment. Even if a website owner has good intentions for using URL masking, it can also be prevented from working properly. It is also used for a practice called clickjacking , which has also been used to trick users into performing actions such as adding likes on social media sites or adding clicks on ads, none of which the user intended to do.

Hello @givemeawhisky , Amazing explanation and thank you sir!
So if i use a cloaked domain (ex: cloaked . com) then a user navigate to other webpages the url will still the same as (cloaked . com) For as long as they open the website page using the cloaked url domain?

If that is true i think that is what i am needing. I have a main website and i also created a homepage that looks different from my main website. I just used buttons for my navigation panel and container box for my footer. This page will act as other homapage using the cloaked domain url. It has 3 webpages under it. All are hidden to my main website and can be accessed only to my “other” homepage. If assessing the other homepage using the cloaked url then the url wont change even if they navigate away from my other homepage i think this is what i want to happen. I wish to clarify it first before applying for a plan on 1&1.