Drop Down button in page on a website to navigate to inpage sections


I am trying to add a dropdown button in page on my website. Basically, I want visitors to be able to click the button, then a text list drops down with different sections of that page. The visitor to then be able to click a section they want to go to and is automatically navigated to that section.

Does anyone know if this is possible through wix, or is there an app I could use? Or, if there is a potential work around here that would be similar?

Wix Editor, Wix Studio Editor.

Many thanks in advance.

You can use Mega menu(or simple menu) for it if you are using Wix studio.

Add a Menu instead of the dropdown. Create a new menu.

Then go to each section and add a anchor link. The option should be in the inspector panel at the very bottom.

You can now connect the anchors to your menu as a link.


Thank you for your reply. Apologies, I should have clarified in the initial question. I want this to be visible on mobile. I have tried adding an advanced menu, however, these are not visible in mobile view.

Many thanks.