Drop down menu

I have added a page to my member pages they include a total of 4 drop down menus.
My issue is that I want the information to remain once it’s been inputted by anyone using my site even when the page is reloaded.
For example, the way the personal information stays on the my account page of the member pages.
even when I

reload the page or go to different pages and come back.
I’ve attached two pictures below one of what I want it to look like and the other of what it currently looks like.

This is my ‘My Account Page’

the information stays inputted and members can update their information. even when the page is reloaded.

This is my ‘Hair Stats’ page with the drop down menus

so similarly i want code that will allow my members to submit their information and for it to show the chosen option even when the page is reloaded.
wondering if it was possible and if so what coding would i have to use.
Also let me know if anyone knows of a simpler way to achieve this.


Hi Alexandria,

Welcome to the Wix Code forums.

You can use the wix-storage API to save the user’s data either by session or permanently.

Good luck,


HI Yisrael ,

Thanks for the suggestion, would i use: import {local} from ‘wix-storage’;
then: local.setItem(“key”, “value”);

Haven’t really used code before and from reading this, this is exactly what I need to achieve this.

Hi Alexandria,

Yes, that’s what you would need. But no need to ask me - just give it a try using the docs. Don’t be afraid, just play around with Wix Code and have fun. The docs will give your guidance and details, and we’re always here to help when you run into difficulties.

Have fun,
