Hi guys and gals. I am not super savvy with web things and am struggling with how to execute a dropdown menu to work the way I need it to.
Basically, I have a page with a gallery and a dropdown menu. I also have two databases. One is the categories list called “ArtCategories” and the other is the art database with titles and descriptions called “ArtImages”.
The end goal is to basically allow users to come to my site and see ALL art being listed (i.e. no filtering from dropdown) but if they choose, they can select an art category from the dropdown to ONLY show the art that goes with that category.
By using filters I’ve been able to figure out how to make the dropdown select and display individual categories but at the same time when I with filters I can not have all art listed as a default. It seems I have to remove the filters to get all art to show but then the dropdown menu doesn’t work to filter…hopefully that made sense but if not please let me know
I am including screen shots below of my page but please let me know if you need clarification on anything and I’ll do my best to explain.