Dropdown search with results on new page

Hi everyone!

I am very new to coding and am trying to create a search journey where the user fills out the search criteria on the homepage ( 2 dropdowns and a geo location input) and then have the search results be shown on a separate page filled with repeaters. Also, to have the page show the search criteria selected by the user at the top of the page.

Below is the code I have for the homepage, so far, where the user inputs are saved on a form dataset and that are displayed on the search results page. #dataset4 is where the searchable content is held and the dropdown selections are in boolean values, since each row can have multiple values from the dropdown selection. I am not sure if the code I have so far is correct or how to finish it. I have gone through a few tutorials/forums for help but haven’t been able to get anything concrete yet. Any help or guidance is very much appreciated.

import wixData from ‘wix-data’;
import {local} from ‘wix-storage’;
$w.onReady( function () {
export function searchbutton_click(event) {
let filterStore = $w(“#Techniquedropdown”).value;
$w(“#dataset4”).onReady(() => {
if (filterStore === “VEGAN”) {
$w(“#dataset4”).setFilter(wixData.filter().eq(“vegan”, true ));
if (filterStore === “MEMORIAL INK”) {
$w(“#dataset4”).setFilter(wixData.filter().eq(“memorialInk”, true ));
if (filterStore === “HAND POKE”) {
$w(“#dataset4”).setFilter(wixData.filter().eq(“handPoke”, true ));
if (filterStore === “NEEDLE”) {
$w(“#dataset4”).setFilter(wixData.filter().eq(“needle”, true ));
let filterStore = $w(“#tattootypedropdown”).value;
$w(“#dataset4”).onReady(() => {
if (filterStore === “VEGAN”) {
$w(“#dataset4”).setFilter(wixData.filter().eq(“vegan”, true ));
if (filterStore === “MEMORIAL INK”) {
$w(“#dataset4”).setFilter(wixData.filter().eq(“memorialInk”, true ));
if (filterStore === “HAND POKE”) {
$w(“#dataset4”).setFilter(wixData.filter().eq(“handPoke”, true ));
if (filterStore === “NEEDLE”) {
$w(“#dataset4”).setFilter(wixData.filter().eq(“needle”, true ));
export function addressInput1_change(event) { //Add your code for this event here: }

You can use the instructions here to create a search with dropdowns.
If you wish the results to be displayed on another page you will need to save the input data into the storage ( reference ) and then take from storage on the relevant page to query the collection and fill the repeater in with the relevant data (e.g. the user selects options in 2 dropdown and location and clicks search, you store data from dropdowns and location into the storage, then take this data from storage on another page and use to query the relevant collection and display data in the repeater).