I have a page set up with a dropdown menu which produces data in a repeater subject to the choice made in the dropdown.
The page is coded as below:
import wixData from 'wix-data'
import wixLocation from 'wix-location'
$w.onReady(function () {
function uniqueDropDown1 (){
.contains("title", "June")
.then(results =>{
const uniqueTitles = getUniqueTitles(results.items);
let AllOption = [{"label":"All June 2022", "value":"All June 2022"}];
let dropdown1 = buildOptions(uniqueTitles);
$w('#dropdown1').options = AllOption.concat(dropdown1);
.catch((err) =>{
function getUniqueTitles(items) {
const titlesOnly = items.map(item => item.title);
return [...new Set(titlesOnly)];
function buildOptions(uniqueList){
return uniqueList.map(curr => {
return {label:curr, value:curr};
export function dropdown1_change_1(event, $w){
debounceTimer = setTimeout(() => {
$w('#input1').value = null;
$w('#input2').value = null;
$w('#input3').value = null;
$w('#input4').value = null;
let debounceTimer;
function genericFilterHandler(event) {
if (debounceTimer) {
debounceTimer = undefined;
debounceTimer = setTimeout(() => {
let masterFilter = wixData.filter().contains("month", "June");
let title = $w('#dropdown1').value;
let input1 = $w('#input1').value;
let input2 = $w('#input2').value;
let input3 = $w('#input3').value;
let input4 = $w('#input4').value;
if (title && title !== "All June 2022") {
masterFilter = masterFilter.eq("title", title);
if (input1) {
masterFilter = masterFilter.contains("number", input1);
if (input2) {
let operatorFilter = wixData.filter().contains("operator", input2);
let shortNameFilter = wixData.filter().contains("shortName", input2);
masterFilter = masterFilter.and(operatorFilter.or(shortNameFilter));
if (input3) {
masterFilter = masterFilter.contains("class", input3);
if (input4) {
masterFilter = masterFilter.contains("detail", input4)
}, 500);
Everything works fine when using it in browser view but the dropdown doesn’t react and show the options within it when trying to click on it in mobile view.
I have gone through Wix Support who advised me to make a tweak to the above code, which I have done, but the problem seems to remain.
Any ideas as to what is causing it to work in one view but not the other?