Dynamic Lightbox

I have created a light box that I would like to be used as a dynamic page.

This is for a gaming community in which my members can create characters, which then gets put into a list in an archive I’ve already built.

Once they click on the character name, I’d like a lightbox to pop up with that character’s information. I already have the Lightbox set up to look the way I want it to, and I have the dataset connected, but it doesn’t matter which character is clicked on - the same information (top row of the dataset) is the only information that shows up.

How do I make it so that the lightbox shows the information of the name that is clicked?

Thank you so much. I am new to this.

Use the API info here: https://www.wix.com/corvid/reference/wix-window.lightbox.html and see how to pass data from a page to a lightbox.

I’m really sorry but I really don’t understand any of that. It doesn’t say where to put that code, what in the codes needs to be altered. : /

I see that there’s a lightbox code versus a page code, so I pasted those in there. But I’m not understanding what precisely needs to be changed in order to customize it. Specifically what’s listed below. I don’t get what “lightBoxSend1” is?

"lightBoxSend1": $w('#lightBoxSend1').value,