Dynamic Menu Feature Request


I would like to request a Dynamic Menu feature.

I have an example use case as follows:
I have set up a database from which I am creating a large number of pages using a dynamic page template.

The database includes a column for Categories (for now I have 4 Catagories) and a column of Topics, which are a subset of the Catagories. Each topic represents a website page.

I am ultimately trying to setup a dynamic Menu for my website which updates each time I add a new Category and or Topics to my database.

I would like each Category to appear as the main menu and then when I hover the mouse over the menu I want each of Topics to be available for selection sitting underneath their associated Category.

For the feature to be user friendly I anticipate it would be used as follows:

  • associatte a datbase to the dynamic menu feature
  • associatte menu headers to the unique values in a database column
  • if desired the user can then choose to associatte the unique values in a seperate column of the database as a subset to each of the menu headers

Effectively this is creating a ‘repeater’ which is dynamic in both rows (the Catagories) and columns (the Topics) at the same time.

What would take it to another level is if you could also include static menu items into it aswell. I.e. for the Home Page.

Thank you