Dynamic Page Button URL

Hi experts

I have a problem you can help with the example code?

In my database there is a field for a URL is there a way I can link this to a button on a dynamic page that when clicked it opens the URL in a different window?

Yes, you can link a URL to a button on a dynamic page. You can use the following code to open the URL in a new window when the button is clicked:

<button onclick="window.open('URL')">Button Text time shooter 2 </button>

Replace URL with the URL you want to link to and Button Text with the text you want to display on the button.
If you’re using Wix, you can follow these steps to link a dynamic page:

  1. Click the text box element in the Editor.

  2. Click Edit Text.

  3. Click the Link icon.

  4. Select Page.

  5. Select the dynamic page you want to link to under Which page?.