Dynamic page / need to create a page selector [dropdown probably]

Hi, I’ve created a dynamic page in which utilizing tags a gallery shows different pictures.
The problem is:
when you create these kind of pages there is a pop up which allows you to chose which page to see. Why can’t I put something like that? I’ve been looking on the internet and searching in the forums but actually I couldn’t understand how to code a dropdown properly.

I think it should be easy to do, just because I guess it is pretty obvious you’ll need to surf in your cathegories if you create a dynamic page, but it seems to be harder than I thought.

If I put a dropdown in the page and link it to the database, the text inside it will change as I change page, but it won’t allow me to use the dropdown to select any page.

I don’t want to create individual buttons for each tag because I may add lots of tags, and I need it to be automatic.

Thank you!!!